Resultant of Non-concurrent Forces

Use the slider to go through one of the most important graphic statics constructions, the funicular polygon. This method can be used to find the resultant of any set of coplanar forces, or more specifically locate its line of action in the form diagram: 1-7) constructing the loadline and the resultant in the force diagram; 8-14) in the force diagram, choosing an arbitrary pole o and decomposing the forces into two components each; in the form diagram, substitute the forces for their components at points such that the action lines of the components coincide; since the components have the same magnitude but opposite direction they neutralize each other, except for the first and last component; 15) the resultant of the first and the last component is the resultant of the system; its magnitude and direction are found in the force diagram; its line of action passes through the intersection point of the lines of action of its components in the form diagram.