
Disjointed Force Polyhedra

Lee J., Van Mele T. and Block P.
Computer-Aided Design
doi: 10.1016/j.cad.2018.02.004

This paper presents a new computational framework for 3D graphic statics based on the concept of disjointed force polyhedra. At the core of this framework are the Extended Gaussian Image and area-pursuit algorithms, which allow more precise control of the face areas of force polyhedra, and consequently of the magnitudes and distributions of the forces within the structure. The explicit control of the polyhedral face areas enables designers to implement more quantitative, force-driven constraints and it expands the range of 3D graphic statics applications beyond just shape explorations. The significance and potential of this new computational approach to 3D graphic statics is demonstrated through numerous examples, which illustrate how the disjointed force polyhedra enable force-driven design explorations of new structural typologies that were simply not realisable with previous implementations of 3D graphic statics.


    author  = "Lee, J. and Van Mele, T. and Block, P.",
    title   = "Disjointed Force Polyhedra",
    journal = "Computer-Aided Design",
    year    = "2018",
    volume  = "99",
    number  = "",
    pages   = "11-28",
    month   = "June",
    doi     = "10.1016/j.cad.2018.02.004",
    note    = "",

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Lee J., Van Mele T. and Block P.Area-controlled construction of global force polyhedra,Proceedings of the IASS Symposium 2017,Hamburg,2017 (September).
Lee J., Van Mele T. and Block P.Form-finding explorations through geometric manipulations of force polyhedrons,Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2016,Tokyo, Japan,2016 (September).
Akbarzadeh M., Van Mele T. and Block P.On the Equilibrium of Funicular Polyhedral Frames and Convex Polyhedral Force Diagrams,Computer-Aided Design,63: 118-128,2015.
Van Mele T. and Block P.Algebraic Graph Statics,Computer-Aided Design,53: 104-116,2014.


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